Wednesday, July 15, 2015

What is petrol made of?

Do you know that petrol is made of a mixture of hydrocarbons? It mainly consists of octane C8H18. Opppsss, your car is running out of fuel. You go to a petrol station. You wonder what RON 95 and RON 97 are? Which one do you use? Of course the cheaper one LAH! Actually RON refers to Research Octane Number. The higher the number, the more the concentration of octane in the fuel. However it is expensive and difficult to produce petrol with only iso-octane in it. So, petrol consists of iso-octane, other hydrocarbons and some additives. Before that, people were adding tetraethyl lead as anti-knocking agent to prevent the fuel from exploding. It is now banned due to its poisonous nature. You go for higher rating fuel (RON 97), you pay more. But it is better for your car.

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