Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Industrial Training Programme at Palm Oil Mill

Refer to this training schedule if you are interested to undergo an industrial training at a palm oil mill. 

First Month
Week 1
1.      Familiarize with the working environment
             -         know the locations, know the people, etc.

2.     Study the process flow chart (Appendix 1)
             -         what are the raw materials and final products
             -         what are the unit operations involved

At the end of this week, you shall know the various stages of the milling process.
Week 2
1.      Ramp operations
             -         how to grade FFB
             -         how many crops can the mill consume each day
             -         how long can the crops stay fresh

2.     Weighbridge operations
             -         what are the weigh in and weigh out               procedures

At the end of this week, you shall be able to differentiate the ripeness of bunches and how the ripeness affects the oil extraction rate.
Week 3
1.      Sterilization
             -         how to operate transfer carriage
             -         sterilization cycle (how many steps and duration of each step)
             -         why sterilizing FFB
             -         parameters to monitor

2.     Tipping
             -         the number of cages to be tipped per hour

3.     Threshing
             -         function and operation of thresher
             -         use of USB crusher
             -         parameters to monitor
             -         what are hard bunches

At the end of this week, you shall be able to understand the sterilizing and post-sterilizing processes and the importance of these processes.
Week 4
1.   Digesting
           -         function and operation of digester
           -         parameters to monitor

2.  Screw pressing
           -         function and operation of screw press
           -         parameters to monitor

At the end of this week, you shall be able to know the main parameters to monitor for digesting and screw pressing processes.
Second Month
Week 1
1.    Oil clarification
            -         how to clarify the oil
            -         how to enhance the clarification process
            -         parameters to monitor

2.   Vacuum drying
            -         how to create vacuum
            -         parameters to monitor

3.   CPO storage
            -         capacity of the storage tank
            -         parameters to monitor

At the end of this week, you shall know the purification steps involved to produce CPO that meets the control limits.
Week 2
1.    Desanding
            -         what is desanding and why desanding
            -         how many stages of desanding

2.   Decanting/sludge separation
            -         products of decanting process
            -         operation of decanter/sludge separator

3.   Empty bunch pressing
            -         why pressing empty bunch
            -         operation of empty bunch press

4.   Incineration
            -         the use of incinerator

At the end of this week, you shall know how to recover useful products from the sludge oil and empty bunches.
Week 3
1.    Cake breaking & fiber and nut separation
2.   Destoning & light dust transfer system (LDTS)
            -         how to separate fiber and nut
            -         how to remove unwanted substances

3.   Nut cracking
            -         ripple mill efficiency

4.   Kernel and shell separation & kernel drying
            -         operation of hydrocyclone
            -         parameters to monitor

At the end of this week, you shall know how to produce quality PK from the screw press cake.
Week 4
Water treatment process
            -         what are the chemicals used
            -         steps involved in the treatment process
            -         daily duties of the water treatment plant’s operator

At the end of this week, you shall know the basic water treatment process.

Third Month
Week 1 
Boiler operations
            -         fuel used for burning
            -         capacity of the boiler
            -         what is softener and deaerator
            -         function of various fans (fuel feeder, forced draft, induced draft, etc.)
            -         parameters to monitor (pressure, water level, etc.)
            -         what is the use of steam
            -         basic turbine operation
            -         what are the main components of boiler

At the end of this week, you shall know the basic operation of the water-tube boiler.
Week 2
Lab operations
            -         how to monitor the quality of CPO and PK
            -         familiarize with the testing methods
            -         boiler water and waste water testing procedures
            -         how to determine oil loss
            -         how to ullage BST, kernel silo and kernel bunker

At the end of this week, you shall know how to test the quality of CPO, PK, boiler water and waste water.
Week 3
Palm oil mill effluent (POME)
            -         what is the function of deoiling
            -         different stages of biological treatment process (anaerobic, facultative, aerobic)
            -         parameters to monitor (BOD, COD, etc.)
            -         operation of belt press

At the end of this week, you shall be able to know the basic waste water treatment process.
Week 4
            -         conduct a presentation to showcase what you have learned throughout the three months of ITP

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